Keep up with the expanding North American Hurling community as we take a look back at September 2023.
Highlights include: Montana’s Draft Tournament and Poc Fada Competition, The Eastern Canadian Championships, and American athletes trying camogie for the first time.
Looking for hurling equipment? Check out our online hurling equipment shop.
We’re now full stocked with a full range of Lightning hurling grips. These are some of the best hurling grips you’ll find on the market.
We’re now stocking both standard and premium Cultec Hurleys.
For the rest of 2023, we’re giving away a free hat with every order over $50+ in the US and Canada! Get yours today at
Cleveland GAA on TV
In Ohio, Cleveland GAA were featured on Spectrum 1 News for their historic win at the USGAA Finals in Denver. In their interview, they discuss what hurling means to both the American-born and Irish-born players on the team.
Draft Hurling Tournament
In Montana, Butte Wolfe Tones Hurling Club hosted the 3rd Annual Draft Tournament. During this unique tournament, players were randomly drafted into teams for full 15-a-side matches. The tournament concluded with a poc fada competition over the hills of Montana, in a similar style to the All-Ireland Poc Fada Championships.
Eastern Canadian Championships
In Quebec, The Eastern Canadian Championships was hosted in Québec City. Clubs across Canada travelled to the provincial capital for a day of Gaelic sports. Montreal Shamrocks won in the camogie and Éire Óg Ottawa won in the hurling.
Toronto GAA Finals
In Ontario, the Toronto GAA Finals were held at the beginning of September. In the Senior Camogie Championship Final, Le Chéile won for the 5th time in a row. And in the Senior Hurling Championship Final, Cuala Sarsfields won for the 2nd year in a row.
Midwest Tournament
In Wisconsin, Hurling Club of Madison hosted the 16th Annual Midwest Tournament. Players from 12 clubs competed in Hurling, Camogie, and Gaelic football throughout the day. Madison won in the hurling final and Milwaukee won in the camogie final. Next year’s Midwest Tournament will be on September 14, 2024.
Great Lakes Tournament
In Michigan, Detroit Harps hosted the 2nd Annual Great Lakes Tournament. Youth teams from Chicago, Cleveland and Toronto participated in this U8-U16 tournament.
Give This Person A Hurl
In our new segment, Give This Person A Hurl, here’s a field hockey player in England showing some camogie potential.
They Gave Them A Hurl
In our other segment, They Gave Them A Hurl, here’s the USA Women’s Rugby team trying camogie for the first time.
If you’re new to hurling or camogie, go to to find one of the 180+ clubs near you!
Photos of the Month
September’s photos of the month goes to Equator Gaels GAA. We first covered Uganda GAA in August 2022, and the hurling scene has been steadily growing ever since.
Video of the Month
September’s video of the month goes to Naoise Waldron for his coaching videos. Naoise founded the University of Montana hurling club and is currently the Games Development Officer for Dublin GAA and a reporter for Nuacht TG4.
Upcoming Hurling Tournaments
Looking to get started with hurling or camogie this October? Here are a few tournaments to look out for:
October 7 – Knoxville GAC will be hosting the 7th Annual Scruffy City Hurling & Camogie Invitational.
📍 Knoxville, TN
October 7 – Akron Celtic Guards will be hosting the 23rd Annual Al O’Leary Hurling & Camogie Tournament.
📍 Akron, OH
October 7-8 – New Hampshire Wolves will be hosting the 2nd Annual Fall Foley Cup.
📍 Merrimack, NH
October 14 – Éire Óg Ottawa will be hosting the 4th Annual Heritage Cup.
📍 Ottawa, ON
November 4 – Orlando GAA will be hosting the 2nd Annual O-Town Invitational 9’s Hurling and Camogie Tournament.
📍 Orlando, FL
Keep up with North American hurling and camogie tournaments on
Hurling Equipment USA
If you’re looking to buy hurling equipment in the USA or Canada, visit our online hurling equipment shop for hurleys, sliotars, helmets, and more.
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Keep up with the expanding North American Hurling community as we take a look back at September 2023. Highlights include: Montana’s Draft Tournament and Poc Fada Competition, The Eastern Canadian Championships, and American athletes trying camogie for the first time.