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Hurling and Camogie will be showcased in Paris during the 2024 Olympics. Paris Gaels will host demonstration matches on August 1 & 2, 2024.

Paris 2024 Olympics Hurling Showcase

Hurling and Camogie will be showcased in Paris during the 2024 Olympics. The Paris Gaels will host hurling and camogie matches at the European Sports Festival on August 1st and 2nd to demonstrate Ireland’s National Sports to the world.

Paris Gaels will host demo matches during the European Sports Festival in Paris.
Paris Gaels will host demo matches during the European Sports Festival in Paris. Image Credit: Paris Gaels GAA Club (Facebook)

These demonstration matches are a part of “A European Journey through Sport”, an educational exhibition of European cultural sports. Ireland is one of 10 European countries who have joined forces to showcase a range of traditional and cultural sports over the course of 10 days. If you’re interested in attending, here’s a link to the schedule:

The last time hurling was exhibited during the Summer Olympic Games was at the 1904 St. Louis Olympics when an exhibition match was held between Chicago's Fenian Football Club and St. Louis Innisfails. Photo credit: wetheirishpod
1904 St. Louis Olympics – Hurling exhibition match – Wolf Tone Club Hurling Team of Brooklyn. Image Credit: wetheirishpod (Twitter)

The last time hurling was exhibited during the Summer Olympic Games was at the 1904 St. Louis Olympics when an exhibition match was held between Chicago’s Fenian Football Club and St. Louis Innisfails.

North America is the largest global hurling community outside of Ireland with more than 200 hurling clubs. Image Credit: Wicked Shamrock Photography (Amanda Renee)

Currently, there are 2,200 GAA clubs on the island of Ireland, and 400+ hurling clubs outside of Ireland. North America represents almost half of the hurling clubs worldwide with 200+ hurling clubs.

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Image Credit: Noel Reddy (Twitter)
Paris 2024 Olympics Hurling Showcase
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Paris 2024 Olympics Hurling Showcase
Hurling and Camogie will be showcased in Paris during the 2024 Olympics. Paris Gaels will host demonstration matches on August 1 & 2, 2024.
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Play Hurling
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